Singing Guide: Roger Whittaker

Singing Guide: Roger Whittaker

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Roger Whittaker: How to Sing Like This Legend

Roger Whittaker is known for his unique style of singing, which blends folk music and easy-listening pop. His voice has a warm and rich timbre, which he uses to deliver heartfelt ballads and catchy tunes alike. If you want to learn how to sing like Roger Whittaker, there are several things you can do to emulate his style.

Develop Your Tone

First and foremost, tone is key. Whittaker has a smooth and mellow tone, which he achieves by using relaxed breath support and good posture. To develop this aspect, you can try the Farinelli breathing exercise in Singing Carrots' video resource, paying attention to your diaphragm and keeping your shoulders relaxed.

Master Vocalizations and Vibrato

Whittaker also often incorporates vocalizations into his songs, such as whistles or humming. You can practice these techniques with the 3 minute warm-up exercise video, which includes humming and lip trills.

Another key element of his style is his use of vibrato, which adds a shimmering quality to his notes. In the Singing Carrots' Beggars Bounce and Diaphragm Bounce video lessons, you can learn how to produce a relaxed vibrato and sustain long notes.

Choose the Right Repertoire

When it comes to choosing repertory, Whittaker's songs often feature memorable melodies and simple yet effective harmonies. Songs like "The Last Farewell" and "New World in the Morning" showcase his smooth voice and lyrical style. You can find songs that tailor to your voice and genre preference in the Singing Carrots' song search category.

Keep Your Voice Healthy

Last but not least, keeping your voice healthy is important, and good habits such as maintaining a proper posture, staying hydrated, and spending time warming up before practicing are crucial. Read Singing Carrots' vocal health article to learn more about how to take care of your voice.

By following these tips and utilizing Singing Carrots' resources, you can develop your skills and sing like the legendary Roger Whittaker. Happy singing!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.